> Home FAQ Paragliders/Delta What's the best configuration for Paragliders/Hang Gliders?
What's the best configuration for Paragliders/Hang Gliders?

The following configuration is a good example.  But first of all:

  • select Aircraft Category: Paraglider  in  system config menu 7

1. Site
Map File: Download them from LKMaps
Waypoints: .DAT, CompeGPS, OZI Explorer and SeeYou files are supported
Airspace: Go to Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange website do download the file of your country.

3. Map Display
Labels: Names
Trail Length: Short
Orientation: Track Up
NorthUp Above: 7
Auto Zoom: On
Trail Drift: On
Trail Width: 8 to 14 (I use at 12)
Circling Zoom: On
Declutter waypoints: Medium
Declutter landings: Low

4. Terrain
Terrain display: Off
Topology display: On
Terrain Contrast: 50
Terrain Brightness: 50
Shading: On
Empty mapcolor: *White or LCD Green

5. Glide Computer
Auto Wind: Circling
TrueWind IAS: 39 kh
TrueWind period: 8 s
Auto Mc mode: On
Auto Mc mode: Equivalent Mc
L/D average period: 5 Seconds
Thermal Locator: Mark Center
Thermal Orbiter: On
Auto Force Final Glide: On
Nav by baro altitude: Off

6. Safety Factors
Safety altitude: 150
Safety alt. mode: Landables
Terrain Height: 50m
Safety MC: 0.5 ms
Efficiency: 100%
Use Total Energy: Off
BestAlternate Warn: Off
Safety Lock: Off

7. Aircraft
Category: Paraglider/HangGlider
Type: Para EN A/DHV1, Para EN B/DHV12, Para EN C/DHV2, Para EN D/DHV23 or Para Competition, Delta USHPA 2, 3 , 4
Max Speed: 80

8. Devices - Bräuniger Compeo, Flymaster F1, Digifly are supported by LK8000

Device A
Name: Flymaster F1, Compeo, Digifly (Device A is used for the external devices, if you don't have external device use Generic for the internal GPS)
Port: ...
Baud: ...

9. Units
Aircaft/Wind Speed: Metric
Distance: Metric
Lift: M/S
Altitude: Meters
Task Speed: Metric
Lat/Lon: UTM

10. Interface
Iphone Gestures: Normal
Menu TimeOut: 16s

11. Appearance
Glider Position: 55%
Landables Icons: Alternate
Landables Style: Boxed. with units
Landables value: Arrival Altitude
Inverse b/w colors: Off
Waypoints text style: Values White
Hide Units: Off

13. Map Overlays
Screen Data: Full Map Overlay
Font Size: Small
Show Clock: Enabled
Glide Terrain line: Shade
Glide Bar indicator: Next Turnpoint
Variometer Bar: Vario Rainbow
VarioBar mode: Vario in Thermal, STF in cruise
Thermal Bar:
Track Line: Off
FLARM on map: Disabled

14. Task
Auto Advance: Auto
Start Type: Cylinder
Start Radius: 400m
Sector Type: Cylinder
Sector Radius: 400m
Finish Type: Cylinder
Sector Radius: 400m

16. Infobox cruise
1. Speed To Fly
2. Home distance
3. Next Waypoint
4. Task Distance
5. Task Alt.Arrival
6. Ext.Batt.Bank
7. Ext.Batt.1 Voltage
8. Ext.Batt.2 Voltage

17. Infobox circling
1. Thermal Gain (or Average thermal strength)
2. Home distance
3. Next Waypoint
4. Task distance
5. Task Alt.Arrival
6. Ext.Batt.Bank
7. Ext.Batt.1 Voltage
8. Ext.Batt.2 Voltage

18. Infobox Final Glide
1. Speed To Fly
2. Home distance
3. Next Waypoint
4. Task Distance
5. Task Alt.Arrival
6. Ext.Batt.Bank
7. Ext.Batt.1 Voltage
8. Ext.Batt.2 Voltage

19. Infobox Aux
1. Ext.Batt.Bank
2. Ext.Batt.1 Voltage
3. Ext.Batt.2 Voltage
4. Altitude QNH
5. Speed ground
6. Next Waypoint
7. Wind Speed
8. MacCready Setting

20. Logger
Short File name: Off
Autologger: On

22. System
Use GPS time: On
Autoback Light: Off

Auto SoundVolume:

23. Paragliders/Hang Gliders Specials
Circ. zoom Value: 70m
Cruize zoom: 350m - 500m
Optimize Route: On

Before LK8000 I was using...