> Home Learn LK8000 SAFETY indicators


From configuration menu 6 "Safety factors" you can define safety parameters.


Safety Altitude is the marginal altitude you want to keep for a safe final glide to a destination.

Normally, the destination is a landing point. If you want to apply safety altitude also to all turnpoints, change it inside "Safety Alt.mode".


Terrain height is the minimum height over terrain to pass any obstacle.


Safety MC is the minimum MC that will be used for a final glide to a landing point.

Even if you set 0.0 MC, this MC will be used for calculations, in this case.

Safety MC applies only to landables, not to turnpoints (like in tasks for example).


Efficiency is the default value assigned at startup to the Basic setting efficiency parameter, which can be changed at runtime during the flight.

Efficiency is basically a polar degradation, and applies to all calculations.



On the moving map, right values are showing current MC in use and arrival altitude to destination.

In the example, the final destination is Lugano international airport, which is of course very landable.


Overlays are telling us:

MC 0.0 is selected automatically, and it is the Equivalent MC calculated.

But since the destination is a landing point, we are using 0.5 MC, which is the minimum value accepted, as for safety configuration.

Arrival altitude is estimated +71m over 300m safety altitude. This means :

LK is estimating an arrival altitude 371m over Lugano, with a MC 0.5 .


The logic beyond all of this is very simple: if you forget to update MC, or if the MC is too low in respect of safety MC, you will not get optimistic arrival values.

The small black box indicators (with very small numbers inside) are simple "indicators": their existance means "we apply safety for this value", at a glance.


What happens if you change MC?

Setting MC 0.4 will still keep safety MC 0.5, as shown by the black box underneath.


But when we set 0.6 (manually or automatically by the use of auto-MC), here we notice that the safety 0.5 MC is no more used.

That's normal, because the safety MC in this case is lower, and more optimistic, than the one we have chosen. So we dont use it.

And the lack of the black box indicator means "we are really using 0.6".


Changing destination to an ordinary turnpoint, not a landable, will not show indicators of safety


unless of course you have chosen safety altitide to be used also for turnpoints. In that case, the safety altitude indicator would appear.


So it is very easy: whenever a safety altitude or safety MC are in use, the map overlays are showing their indicators.


Before LK8000 I was using...