Inverse colors and overlays
These things have generated some confusion in the past, and have been settled. Here is the new explanation.
Inverse b/w will use white background for LK pages, bottom bar and Ibox mode. Selecting Inverse ON will result in automatically invert the chosen Overlay color. For example, if you set Inverse ON and Overlay color BLACK, it will be WHITE. This might sound tricky, but it is related to the fact that you can also "on the fly" invert the colors using menu button inside Display menu, or configuring a custom key.
Notice: the old and obsoleted Ibox background (white or black) cannot be inverted by button, only by this configuration. You will also need to restart the software in order to make the change effective.
Some common configuration examples are:
Inverse b/w OFF, Overlay Color BLACK Bottom bar and LK pages are Black, Ibox background is black. Text is white. Invert button or custom key will make bottom bar and LK pages white, with black text.
Inverse b/w OFF, Overlay Color WHITE Like above, but white overlays. This is the default.
Inverse b/w ON, Overlay Color BLACK Bottom bar and LK pages are WHITE (because inverted), Ibox background is also WHITE. Text is white (Black inverted to white)
Inverse b/w ON, Overlay Color WHITE Bottom bar and LK pages are WHITE (because inverted), Ibox background is also WHITE. Text is BLACK (white inverted to black)
By choosing some overlay colors different from white and black, you will be able to select text color that won't be reversed. For example, choosing PETROL as overlay color, will keep this color also reverting background. There are a lot of combinations to explore.